One Hot-Button Issue and the Bible!

As an interesting follow-up to last month’s blog, Chris Goswami has just had an op-ed piece published on 21st May 2024 on Premier Christianity that echoes some of the thoughts I wrote about. Take a moment out and read what he says about Sola Scriptura – but hurry back!  Did he read my blog andContinue reading “One Hot-Button Issue and the Bible!”

Caught in the Act?

Over the last four months I’ve been looking at the so-called “clobber” passages used by various churches over the last few decades to deny that salvation is available for those who identify as being part of the LGBTQ+ community, and additionally apply unreasonable requirements to be recognised as part of the church.  We completed thatContinue reading “Caught in the Act?”

The wrong end of the stick?

Over the last three months we’ve explored the major Old Testament clobber passages frequently used to condemn those who identify as homosexual/gay, and now we turn to the New Testament passages.   The full list of passages commonly used to condemn those who identify as part of the LGBTQ+ community are: Genesis 1 & 2 (CreationContinue reading “The wrong end of the stick?”

The Hay Wain and the Creation Story

This is the second of this series revisiting in a shortened form, my original essay. In my last blog post I addressed the question whether being LGBTQ+ was a natural condition — a complete accident of birth – perhaps due to some genetic, hormonal or environmental component or whether it was as a result ofContinue reading “The Hay Wain and the Creation Story”

A New Start

… and we’re back!  I apologise for the brief hiatus over the last couple of months, but Jury Service and holidays tend to create problems if they occur at the same time as a blog is scheduled to be written and published. Before getting into today’s blog, I wanted to briefly mention a recent storyContinue reading “A New Start”

Uniquely different

I wanted to recognise that whilst this blog is not directly Pride related, we are coming to the end of Pride month.  During June, LGBTQ+ communities have been celebrating with Pride Parades, picnics, parties and workshops; and online you’ll find Pride themed podcasts and webpages.  These events celebrate the Stonewall Riots, the anniversary of whichContinue reading “Uniquely different”


This month there haven’t been any major hot-button topics to really get stuck into.  The Anglicans have been sitting back and evaluating the fallout from their synod.  The Scottish Gender Recognition Bill has sadly been kicked into the long grass with nary a clue as to when it’ll be changed or resuscitated.  So, what toContinue reading “Labels”

Holed below the waterline?

First let me begin with an apology.  Last month when I published my Blog, I found that only some of my Email Subscribers received the email version of the blog.  I’m not sure, but I think there were more who didn’t receive it, than who did.  On reporting the issue, WordPress confirmed that: “We nowContinue reading “Holed below the waterline?”

Let’s try that again!

I need to begin with an apology.  When I wrote my last blog, I rushed it.  Life happened and I ended up with too little time, and the deadline to publish just didn’t give me the time I would have normally wanted to make sure I dotted all the i’s and crossed all the t’sContinue reading “Let’s try that again!”

How does the Lambeth Conference affect me?

In my previous Blog Post, I wondered aloud what I should write about this month.  Since my last Blog, apart from a few minor stories, there has only been one hot-button issue to reflect on, from where I’m sitting.  You on the other hand may say, well, what about … this, or … that issue. Continue reading “How does the Lambeth Conference affect me?”